ink |
2014.02.18. 18:56 |
Work in progress. Trying out ink.
Click on the image to see the finished version.

My portfolio |
2013.10.23. 12:32 |
Please check out my portfolio thanks to Alex Ney (Taxim)! He did an amazing work!

New painting! |
2013.07.31. 20:39 |
Humantesting-Vivisection (If you were one of those animals)
2013. oil on wood
Emberksrlet-Viviszekci (Ha egyike lennl azoknak az llatoknak)
2013. olaj farost

Art |
2013.05.01. 19:14 |
My art published again in Lost&Found Megazine.
Click here to watch and download it.
Victims of Your Beauty photos |
2012.12.26. 12:20 |
The photos of the exhibition, "Victims of Your Beauty" are uploaded. Click the image to see them:
A "Szpsged ldozatai" killtsrl kszlt fotkat a kpre kattitva megtekintheted:

The paintings will be posted here.
A festmnyek ide lesznek feltltve.
Victims of your beauty exhibiton |
2012.11.07. 15:37 |
Finally "Victims of Your Beauty" exhibition is organized! Thanks to Memento Mori !
6 brand new paintings and talking about
animal testing and cruelty.
In Hungary ,Budapest VII, Akcfa street 51.
On the 6th of December 2012. at 7 pm.
6th to 27th of December

Click here to see the event on Facebook!
Deathtrack CD artwork |
2012.09.17. 19:13 |
Another one commissioned CD artwork to a metal band Deathtrack! They're going to release their single "True Blood".Go and check out their amazing music here !

New CD artwork FOR SALE! |
2012.09.13. 08:24 |
New digital CD artwork,T-shirt for sale!

If you would like to buy it, contact me:
Catapult Art Mag feature |
2012.09.01. 21:20 |
My art featured in Catapult Art Magazine! Thank you very much!
