I do the following artworks for commission:
- CD artwork
- Book cover/illustration
- Logo
- T-shirt design
- Wall paper/background image
- Stock photos
Pricing method:
1. I send you a sketch, to see how it will looks.
2. I ask earnest* of the artwork.
3. I send you the finished artwork in small size image.
4. You send me the money.
5. I send you the artwork in original,large size.
Payment method: PayPal
Deatiled artworks (cover art,T-shirt) are not corrigigible subsequently!
*earnest- about 20% of the full price .
You also can choose from finished works too.
For more informations and ordering contact me:

Kvetkez alkotsokat ksztem megrendelsre:
- CD bort
- Knyv bort/illusztrci
- Log
- Pl terv
- Httrkp
- Stock fot
Fizetsi eljrs:
1. Vzlatot kldk .
2. *Elleget krek.
3. Kldm az elkszlt alkotst kis mretben, hogy lsd az eredmnyt.
4. tutalod a fennmarad sszeget.
5. Elkldm az alkotst teljes mretben.
Fizetsi md: PayPal
Rszletesen kidolgozott alkotsok (bortk, pltervek) utlag nem javthatak!
*Elleg kb a teljes sszeg 20%t jelenti.
Tovbbi informcikrt s rendelsrt rj az albbi e-mail cmen:
A mr meglv alkotsok kzl is vlaszthatsz.