New Painting!!! |
2012.08.01. 13:48 |
I have just finsihed my new one, go and check out in the gallery:

CD artworks/CD bortk |
2012.04.15. 15:52 |

I have added some CD artworks to the album, Digital art.
If you would like to buy, or want another for request contact me:
Don't forget, I also paint traditional one too!

Feltltttem nhny CDbort tervet a Digital art albumba.
Ha szeretnl rendelni kzlk, vagy sajt tlet alapjn msikat ,rj ide:
Ne feledd, hogy olajfestmnyknt is rendelhet!
News of my art |
2012.03.18. 19:40 |

The painting is already done (in december) to the band TAXIM. They are very satisfied with the result!
Go and check it out in my paintings gallery .
TAXIM also asked me to use my drawing "Escape through the Mind" for their CD single" 2011".
Click on Drawing to see it.
And here is the CD artwork version,edited.
I'm still working on the 6th painting for my exhibition called" Victims of Your Beauty".
And also painting an other one for myself, hopefully it will be finished in a month. One of my most detailed and bloodiest painting I've ever done. It will be posted here and also in my FB page.
A megrendelsre kszlt kp a TAXIM-nak mr rg elkszlt. Nagyon elgedettek voltak .
Itt megtekintheted.
Ezenkvl megkrtek, hogy felhasznljk egyik rajzom Menekvs az Elmn keresztl" a" 2011" cm maxijukhoz.
A rajz megtekinthet itt.
A szerkesztett verzija pedig itt.
A hatodik kpet festem a killts "Szpsged ldozatai" anyagbl.
Emellett letem egyik legrszletesebb s legvresebb kpn is dolgozom. Remlhetleg egy hnapon bell elkszl. Itt s a FB oldalamon is megtallhat lesz.
Painting for request! |
Melinda Knya |
2011.11.14. 12:18 |

I'm painting a CD artwork to the new album of a band, TAXIM .
This is the best request I've ever got! Hopefully I can finish the artwork soon. Till that you should check their music out:

CD bortt festek a TAXIM nev egyttes legjabb albumhoz.
Eddig legjobb felkrs amit valaha kaptam. Remlem hamarosan be tudom fejezni a kped, de addig is ,hallgasd meg a zenjket:
Szpsged ldozatai |
Knya Melinda |
2011.10.30. 14:44 |

I'm working on the series, "Victims of Your Beauty" for my art show.
You can check out in this video, what it is about.Be careful its 18+:
I have also opened a page on FB for it, take a look and join :

A "Szpsged ldozatai" tmban festek jelenleg kpeket.
Nzd meg a videt,ha tudni szeretnd mirl szl.Vigyzz 18 ven aluliaknak nem ajnlott:
Nyitottam egy oldalt a Fb-on erre a clra, nzd meg s csatlakozz:
