I'm a young contemporary artist from Hungary. I've been painting since 2008,
from the age of 19. My art depicts a surrealist and horroristic world, which is
based on reality, my personal feelings, emotions and my personal worldview.
Details, realism and distortion are the best ways to express, create and show
my world of art. Images appear in my mind, which means I don't need any
photos or models. It gives me lots of freedom and there are no limits and no
rules in my creation.
The figures in my artworks are mainly self-portraits, the faces of my soul and
mind, or just subconscius people.

Fiatal kortrs mvsz vagyok, Magyarorszgrl.2008-ban 19 ves koromban kezdtem festeni.
Az alkotsaim egy szrrealista s egyben horrorisztikus vilgot mutatnak be, mely a valsgon, szemlyes
rzseimen, s a vilgrl alkotott vlemnyemen alapszik.
Szmomra az aprlkos, realista,de torz brzolsmd teszi lehetv ezen dolgok kifejezst a mvszetemben.
A kpek a fejemben szletnek, vagyis nincs szksgem fotkra vagy modellekre,hogy alkossak.
Az alkotsokon szerepl figurk, narckpek, lelkem ,elmm arcai vagy tudatalattibl jv emberek.